ANNO XVIII Giugno 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Politics UK (328)

Mercoledì, 26 Agosto 2015 02:53

Hollande says France must be ready for more terrorism

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Paris - The country must prepare for further terrorism, President Francois Hollande told a meeting of French ambassadors in Paris on Tuesday, four days after a foiled attack on a train from Amsterdam to Paris.
Rome - India's right to try two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen was suspended by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The marines, Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre, will not however be freed by…
Sabato, 22 Agosto 2015 00:00

Shooting on train from Amsterdam to Paris

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Rome - A gunman opened fire on a train travelling from Amsterdam to Paris, injuring three people before being overpowered by American soldiers. Authorities are taking into account the possibility of a terror attack and Interior Minister Cazeneuve is on…
Venerdì, 21 Agosto 2015 00:00

Terrorism could trigger WWIII, says Italian president

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Rome - The Italian president on Wednesday warned for the risk of terrorism causing a third world war.   "Terrorism, fed also by fanatical distortions of the faith in God, is trying to introduce the seeds of a third world…
Giovedì, 20 Agosto 2015 00:00

Libya urges Arab League to launch airstrikes on ISIS

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Cairo, Aug. 18 - Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed al-Dairi urged the Arab League, convened in Cairo on Tuesday for an extraordinary meeting, to launch military intervention and selective airstrikes against Islamic State positions in the Libyan territory.
Giovedì, 20 Agosto 2015 00:01

Frontex alert to 107, 000 migrants in July

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Brussels - The number of migrants registered in EU states surpassed 100,000 in July, a new monthly high, reported on Tuesday by the EU border authority Frontex. The agency warned that the heavy influx "has created an unprecedented pressure on…
Rho (Milan) - Angela Merkel visited Milan Expo on Monday. The German Chancellor went to the Universal Exposition with her husband, Joachim Sauer. She was greeted by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who was accompanied by his wife Agnese, Maurizio…
Mercoledì, 19 Agosto 2015 04:09

Italy sees surge in young businesses

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Rome - This summer has seen a surge in young people seeking employment and in young people setting up their own businesses. Based on figures from the Movimprese chambers of commerce database, the quarterly survey carried out by Unioncamere-Infocamere showed…
Accra - Trade between Italy and Ghana totalled nearly 700 million euros in 2015, reported Lorenzo Pinelli, number two at the Italian Embassy in Accra. He was addressing a press conference promoting the fair of Ghanaian products to be held…

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