ANNO XVIII Maggio 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Business UK (204)

William Salice the brains behind the Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs hugely popular with children and big kids has died at 83.
Giovedì, 29 Dicembre 2016 23:44

The vital role of SMEs in medical research

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This week’s Business Planet comes from the German city of Bonn. We look at a unique partnership between researchers, universities, pharmaceutical giants and SMEs which is key to providing new treatments for patients and business opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Martedì, 27 Dicembre 2016 16:15

Here come the drones

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Serge Rombi, Euronews:For the latest episode of Business Planet we are in Lyon, at the global headquarters of Euronews. Peter, you are going to tell us about the enormous business potential offered by the use of civilian drones.
Lunedì, 26 Dicembre 2016 19:07

Meet Canada's robot masters

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Robots are an essential companion to mankind in space, and many of the modern-day masters of these robots are to be found in Montreal, home to the Canadian Space Agency.
It was a standout year for technology giant Samsung, but not for the right reasons.
Queues stretched down the street outside Athens banks on Thursday, as pensioners waited to collect their Christmas bonus payments from the government.
The US economy is even more buoyant than initially thought, according to the latest official figures for the third quarter (Q3) of this year.
As the year comes to an end, Business Line looks back at some of the main economic changes of 2016.
Martedì, 20 Dicembre 2016 22:44

Uber still losing billions though revenues increase

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The ride-hailing company Uber continues to hemorrhage money.

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